January Meeting Info:
Authors' Meeting - ANBIP
Event Invite
Saturday, January 25, 2025 · 5:00 PST / 6:00 MST / 7:00 CST / 8:00 EST
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Goal Planning for 2025
I use a paper planner in addition to Google Calendar, and now is the time to think about what kind of planner, journal, or whatever you want for 2025. There is a whole world of options. A whole community of paper planner enthusiasts. Where do you even start?
I decided not to do anything too cutesy like a junk journal or Hobonichi planner, though I was tempted with such cutesy TikTok vids showcasing them, so I just asked for a regular weekly hardback spiral-bound planner for Birthmas. But I am doing one little customizable thing: a 2025 Goals BINGO card.
I used BingoCardCreator.com. Yes, it does try to charge you after you’ve created it, but 1) you can just click “download sample” for a PDF if you don’t mind them being randomized, or 2) you can screenshot it. Then, I printed it on sticky paper and stuck it to the inside cover of my planner.
Some ideas regarding what to put on your BINGO card:
Consider themes: WCTBO is at the top of mine because my categories are Writing, Career, Travel, Bones, and Other. You can add Social, Physical, Health, Creative, Learning, etc. columns.
You can have a very specific BINGO card, like one only for writing goals, reading goals, publishing goals, etc. Or do one of each. Or increase or decrease the number of slots. The possibilities are endless.
Your goals aren’t quite the same as resolutions: they are similar but should be smaller (most are things you could finish in a day or week or two, not regular things that you’d have to wait until the end of the year to confirm.)
If something is repeatable, you can add it multiple times (i.e., doing a book tour event and then doing another book tour event). Or you can make them slightly different (doing a book tour event in your state, then doing a book tour event outside your state)
You don’t have to black out the card to win BINGO—so it’s OK to add more things than you are likely to achieve. It’s also OK to add things you were fairly certain you were going to do anyway.
It’s easier to focus on the positive than the negative (i.e., “plan three hikes” is better than “cut down on video games.”)
SMART goals are best (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, and Timely. A lot of those are synonyms, so “Measurable and Realistic” might be all you need.)
These are just guidelines. Write whatever you want, make a bigger or smaller BINGO card, give yourself a reward for winning, whatever fits your needs.
See you on the 25th!
What a brilliant idea - can't wait to create my own writing goal bingo card!